Results for 'Esther Jieun Sin'

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  1.  14
    Book Review: New Desires, New Selves: Sex, Love, and Piety Among Turkish Youth by Gul Ozyegin. [REVIEW]Selcuk R. Sirin & Esther Jieun Sin - 2017 - Gender and Society 31 (2):266-268.
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    The phallocentric paradox and semantics of Eve’s myth in Zimbabwe’s contemporary national politics: An ecofeminist reading of Bulawayo’s novel, Glory.Esther Mavengano - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):9.
    NoViolet Bulawayo’s recently published novel titled, Glory, fictionalises the tragic fall of Robert Mugabe from the helm of power. The removal of Mugabe from power through the 2017 “military coup” engendered a problematic narrative that depicted the former first lady, Grace Mugabe as the biblical Eve’s doppelganger. The purported resemblance of Eve, a character from sacrosanct text, and Grace of contemporary Zimbabwe is often based on mythical and misogynist (mis)interpretations of the former as an epitome of sin and the latter (...)
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    Norito, traducción y análisis de las plegarias sintoístas japonesas.Esther M. Martín Sánchez - 2022 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 6 (2):89-116.
    'Norito, traducción y análisis de las plegarias sintoístas japonesas' contempla el estudio de las oraciones que tan bien representan el espíritu del shinto, 'el Camino del kami', la religión propia del país del Sol Naciente; mediante una traducción detallada de cuatro de ellas. De esta manera, se pueden leer con facilidad al mismo tiempo que sirven como vehículo para comenzar a entender la espiritualidad japonesa. Los norito son piezas asombrosas de la literatura japonesa, pensadas para ser recitadas y cantadas en (...)
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    El caso Bredenburg.Esther Alves Latournerie - 1999 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 16:221-234.
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    José Luis Rodríguez García, Verdad y Escritura. Hólderlin, Poe, Artaud, Bataille, Benjamin, Blanchot.Esther Alves Latournerie - 1995 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 12:307.
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    Apoteosis de la Educación. Apuntes para una Historia de la Educación desde sus fines.Esther Ruiz Simón & Luis Manuel Martínez-Domínguez - 2024 - Almuzara Universidad.
    Estos apuntes suponen un viaje por la historia de la educación desde sus fines que nos permite contemplar los pilares sobre los que se sostiene nuestra comprensión actual de la educación. Este libro no es un recuento de fechas y eventos sino una exploración de los propósitos que han guiado la evolución de la educación a través de los siglos. Desde las ancestrales civilizaciones del extremo oriente hasta las modernas civilizaciones digitales, la educación ha estado presente en las familias, escuelas (...)
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    dimensión política de la verdad a través del filosofar de Esther Díaz.Eduardo Solano Vázquez - 2023 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 8 (1):1-16.
    El pensamiento está relacionado con un modo de ser. La forma de pensar que privilegia la ciencia pasa por alto el contexto, pareciera que eso es irrelevante, pues se cree que el pensamiento está alejado de la realidad natural e histórica. Sin embargo, el cómo se piensa incide en la relación que los sujetos mantienen con las cosas, los objetos, las situaciones y también entre sí. La razón moderna en cuanto científica y dominante, no sólo ha permitido el desarrollo técnico, (...)
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    Preface.Scott Paeth & Kevin Carnahan - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):7-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:PrefaceScott Paeth and Kevin CarnahanThis issue of the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics is organized around the theme of structural evil. Each of the essays deals with some dimension of the problem of how we can conceive of evil beyond the question of simple human volition, and understand it as embedded in the institutions and cultural assumptions that we often take for granted as societal givens.Cristina Traina's (...)
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    Reassessing values for emerging big data technologies: integrating design-based and application-based approaches.Karolina La Fors, Bart Custers & Esther Keymolen - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (3):209-226.
    Through the exponential growth in digital devices and computational capabilities, big data technologies are putting pressure upon the boundaries of what can or cannot be considered acceptable from an ethical perspective. Much of the literature on ethical issues related to big data and big data technologies focuses on separate values such as privacy, human dignity, justice or autonomy. More holistic approaches, allowing a more comprehensive view and better balancing of values, usually focus on either a design-based approach, in which it (...)
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  10. The Effects of Moral Development and Adverse Selection Conditions on Managers’ Project Continuance Decisions: A Study in the Pacific-Rim Region.C. Janie Chang & Sin-Hui Yen - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (3):347-360.
    According to agency theory, agents base their economic decisions on self-interests when adverse selection conditions exist. However, cognitive moral development theory predicts that ethics/morals may influence decision-makers not to behave egoistically. Rutledge and Karim, 173-184) find both the moral reasoning level of the managers and an adverse selection condition affect a manager's project evaluation decisions significantly. Since prior studies have shown that national culture might influence the application of agency theory in project evaluation, this current study uses a different moral (...)
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  11.  38
    Performance of IRBs in China: a survey on IRB employees and researchers’ experiences and perceptions.Xing Liu, Ying Wu, Min Yang, Yang Li, Kaveh Khoshnood, Esther Luo, Lun Li & Xiaomin Wang - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-13.
    Background Performance evaluation is vital for IRB operations. As the number of IRBs and their responsibilities in reviewing and supervising clinical research grow in China, there is a significant need to evaluate their performances. To date, little research has examined IRB performance within China. The aim of this study was to ascertain the perspectives and experiences of IRB employees and researchers to understand the current status of IRBs; compare collected results with those of other countries; and identify shortcomings to improve (...)
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    Corporations as political actors – a report on the first swiss master class in corporate social responsibility.Andreas Rasche, Dorothea Baur, Mariëtte van Huijstee, Stephen Ladek, Jayanthi Naidu, Cecilia Perla, Esther Schouten, Michael Valente & Mingrui Zhang - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):151 - 173.
    This paper presents a report on the first Swiss Master Class in Corporate Social Responsibility, which was held between the 8th and 9th December 2006 at HEC Lausanne in Switzerland. The first section of the report introduces the topic of the master class – ‚Corporations as Political Actors – Facing the Postnational Challenge’ – as well as the concept of the master class. The second section gives an overview of papers written by nine young scholars that were selected to present (...)
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  13.  20
    The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy.Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca, Alice Lagaay, Ira Avneri, Freddie Rokem, Jerri Daboo, Michael Ellison, Hannah McClure, Andres Fabien Henao Castro, David Kornhaber, Anthony Gritten, Laura Cull ó Maoilearca, Sreenath Nair, Will Daddario, Esther Neff, Yelena Gluzman, Fumi Okiji & Theron Schmidt (eds.) - 2020 - Routledge.
    The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy is a volume of especially commissioned critical essays, conversations, collaborative, creative and performative writing mapping the key contexts, debates, methods, discourses and practices in this developing field. Firstly, the collection offers new insights on the fundamental question of how thinking happens: where, when, how and by whom philosophy is performed. Secondly, it provides a plurality of new accounts of performance and performativity as the production of ideas, bodies and knowledges in the arts and beyond. (...)
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    What is the practice of spiritual care? A critical discourse analysis of registered nurses’ understanding of spirituality.Katherine Louise Cooper, Lauretta Luck, Esther Chang & Kathleen Dixon - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (2):e12385.
    Spirituality has been a part of nursing for many centuries and represents an essential value for people, including nurses and patients. Cumulative evidence points to the positive contribution of spiritually on health and wellbeing. However, there is little clarity about what spirituality means. The literature reveals that nurses have ascribed a diversity of interpretations to spirituality. However, no studies have investigated how registered nurses construct their understanding of spirituality using a critical discourse analysis approach. Therefore, the aim of this study (...)
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    Exploring inappropriate levels of care in intensive care.Bénédicte D’Anjou, Stéphane Ahern, Valérie Martel, Laetitia Royer, Anne-Charlotte Saint-André, Esther Vandal & Eric Racine - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Levels of care deemed as inappropriate generate moral distress among nurses and other intensive care professionals. Inappropriate levels of care and related moral distress are frequently broached as individual and psychological phenomena, reduced to how individuals feel and think about specific cases. However, this tends to obscure the complex context in which these situations occur, and on which healthcare professionals can act. There is thus a need for a more contextual and team-level lens on inappropriate levels of care. Research (...)
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  16. Doing Academia Differently: “I Needed Self-Help Less Than I Needed a Fair Society”.Laura Bisaillon, Alana Cattapan, Annelieke Driessen, Esther van Duin, Shannon Spruit, Lorena Anton & Nancy S. Jecker - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (1):130-157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:130 Feminist Studies 46, no. 1. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Laura Bisaillon, Alana Cattapan, Annelieke Driessen, Esther van Duin, Shannon Spruit, Lorena Anton, and Nancy S. Jecker Doing Academia Differently: “I Needed Self-Help Less Than I Needed a Fair Society” A great deal of harm is being done by belief in the virtuousness of work. — Bertrand Russell, “In Praise of Idleness” We are committed to (...)
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    Gesundheitsversorgung für Sexarbeiter*innen – Zugang, Barrieren und Bedürfnisse.Mirjam Faissner, Laura Beckmann, Katja Freistein, Johannes Jungilligens & Esther Braun - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (2):151-168.
    Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Stigmatisierung hat einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Gesundheit verschiedener gesellschaftlicher Gruppen und trägt zu Ungleichheiten im Gesundheitswesen bei. Sexarbeit ist mit erheblichem sozialem Stigma verbunden, das sich nachteilig auf den Zugang von Sexarbeiter*innen zur Gesundheitsversorgung auswirkt. Die vorliegende explorative Studie gibt erste Einblicke in die Sichtweisen von Sexarbeiter*innen und Berater*innen in Deutschland auf den Zugang, die Bedürfnisse und die Barrieren von Sexarbeiter*innen in Bezug auf die Gesundheitsversorgung. Dabei lag der Fokus auf einem etablierten Netzwerk von Gesundheitsangeboten für Sexarbeiter*innen (...)
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    The Death of Human Capital?: Its Failed Promise and How to Renew It in an Age of Disruption.Phillip Brown, Hugh Lauder & Sin Yi Cheung - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    In The Death of Human Capital?, Phillip Brown, Hugh Lauder, and Sin Yi Cheung demonstrate that the human capital story is one of a failed revolution that requires an alternative approach to education, jobs, and income inequalities. Rather than abandoning human capital theory, the authors seek to redefine it in a way that more accurately addresses today's challenges presented by global competition, new technologies, economic inequalities, and national debt.
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  19. Do physicians' own preferences for life-sustaining treatment influence their perceptions of patients' preferences? A second look.Lawrence J. Schneiderman, Robert M. Kaplan, Esther Rosenberg & Holly Teetzel - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6 (2):131-.
    Previous studies have documented the fallibility of attempts by surrogates and physicians to act in a substituted judgment capacity and predict end-of-life treatment decisions on behalf of patients. We previously reported that physicians misperceive their patients' preferences and substitute their own preferences for those of their patients with respect to four treatments: cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the event of cardiac arrest, ventilator for an indefinite period of time, medical nutrition and hydration for an indefinite period of time, and hospitalization in the (...)
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    Implementing an Eye Movement and Desensitization Reprocessing Treatment-Program for Women With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After Childbirth.Leonieke W. Kranenburg, Hilmar H. Bijma, Alex J. Eggink, Esther M. Knijff & Mijke P. Lambregtse-van den Berg - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    PurposeThe purpose of this study is to describe the implementation and outcomes of an Eye Movement and Desensitization Reprocessing treatment-program for women with posttraumatic stress disorder after childbirth.MethodsA prospective cohort-study with pre- and post-measurements was carried out in the setting of an academic hospital in the Netherland. Included were women who gave birth to a living child at least 4 weeks ago, with a diagnosis of PTSD, or severe symptoms of PTSD combined with another psychiatric diagnosis. All received up to (...)
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    Effects of acute exercise on emotional memory.Paul Loprinzi, Danielle Olafson, Claire Scavuzzo, Ashley Lovorn, Mara Mather, Emily Frith & Esther Fujiwara - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (4):660-689.
    Research has demonstrated beneficial effects of acute exercise on memory for neutral materials, such as word lists of neutral valence/low arousal. However, the impacts of exercise on emotional memory is less understood. Across three laboratory experiments in college students, we tested if acute exercise could enhance both neutral and emotional memory performance, anticipating a greater effect for emotional memory. We examined effects of exercise at varying intensities (Experiment 1: high-intensity; Experiment 2: low- and high-intensity; Experiment 3: moderate-intensity), of diverse modalities (...)
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    The Learning to Be Project: An Intervention for Spanish Students in Primary Education.Davinia M. Resurrección, Óliver Jiménez, Esther Menor & Desireé Ruiz-Aranda - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Despite the emphasis placed by most curricula in the development of social and emotional competencies in education, there seems to be a general lack of knowledge of methods that integrate strategies for assessing these competencies into existing educational practices. Previous research has shown that the development of social and emotional competencies in children has multiple benefits, as they seem to contribute to better physical and mental health, an increase in academic motivation, and the well-being and healthy social progress of children. (...)
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  23. Adults With Special Educational Needs Participating in Interactive Learning Environments in Adult Education: Educational, Social, and Personal Improvements. A Case Study.Javier Díez-Palomar, María del Socorro Ocampo Castillo, Ariadna Munté Pascual & Esther Oliver - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous scientific contributions show that interactive learning environments have contributed to promoting learners' learning and development, as interaction and dialogue are key components of learning. When it comes to students with special needs, increasing evidence has demonstrated learning improvements through interaction and dialogue. However, most research focuses on children's education, and there is less evidence of how these learning environments can promote inclusion in adult learners with SEN. This article is addressed to analyse a case study of an interactive learning (...)
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  24. Usability and User Experience of Cognitive Intervention Technologies for Elderly People With MCI or Dementia: A Systematic Review.Leslie María Contreras-Somoza, Eider Irazoki, José Miguel Toribio-Guzmán, Isabel de la Torre-Díez, Angie Alejandra Diaz-Baquero, Esther Parra-Vidales, María Victoria Perea-Bartolomé & Manuel Ángel Franco-Martín - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionIncorporating technology in cognitive interventions represents an innovation, making them more accessible, flexible, and cost-effective. This will not be feasible without adequate user-technology fit. Bearing in mind the importance of developing cognitive interventions whose technology is appropriate for elderly people with cognitive impairment, the objective of this systematic review was to find evidence about usability and user experience measurements and features of stimulation, training, and cognitive rehabilitation technologies for older adults with mild cognitive impairment or dementia.MethodThe Medline, PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, (...)
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    Between the Fiction and Me-Umwelten of Artists and Architects.Annelies de Smet, Isolde Vanhee & Esther Venrooij (eds.) - 2018 - Gent: Grafische Cel.
    What triggers the act of creating? What role do sensory cues, environmental factors, and interdisciplinary exchanges play in this? The semiotic theories of Jacob von Uexküll, a Baltic German biologist, served as an important starting point in addressing these questions. In 1934 he proposed the concept of the Umwelt as a means to assess the behaviour of humans and animals, their realm of experience, and capacity to act. An investigation into the complexity of these Umwelten, from the natural world to?inner (...)
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  26. Recetas francesas y ensayos de Trabajo fin de Máster en la oralidad del aula universitaria.Antonio Daniel Fuentes González & Isabel Esther González Alarcón - 2012 - Oralia 15:343 - 356.
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    Verdad Moral y Verdad Teórica. El Lugar de la Voluntad En El Conocimiento.Sara Gallardo González & Esther Gómez de Pedro - 2020 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 7:51-76.
    El presente trabajo plantea la necesidad de volver a la clásica distinción de conocimiento teórico y conocimiento práctico y repensar el lugar de la voluntad y la libertad humanas en el proceso cognoscitivo en general. Desde la consideración de la noción de conciencia, del valor dado a la dimensión cognoscitiva en el ámbito moral, la índole del conocer como relación con lo real y la idea de verdad, llegamos a la conclusión de que el planteamiento racionalista que excluye a la (...)
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  28. Proceedings of the 44th International Wittgenstein Symposium.Alois Pichler, Friedrich Stadler & Esther Heinrich-Ramharter (eds.) - forthcoming - Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
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    In search of the roots of corporate reputation management: Being a consistent corporate social performer.Clara Pérez-Cornejo, Esther de Quevedo-Puente & Alan Wilson - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (1):4-16.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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    Women’s and men’s role in culture of honor endorsement within families.Manuel Miguel Ramos-Alvarez, Noelia Rodríguez-Espartal & Esther Lopez-Zafra - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (1):72-88.
    In this article, we analyze the patterns of culture of honor within Spanish families. Each member of 271 Spanish four-member families completed a questionnaire containing scales for the culture of honor and for sociodemographic variables. The results show that intra-family similarities emerge. However, path analyses show that the gender and birth order of the child are relevant in predicting this similarity. In particular, the first-born child converges with their mother to a higher extent than the father regardless of their gender. (...)
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  31. Las patentes farmaceúticas y biotecnológicas: generalidades.Agustín Alconada Rodríguez, María José Carrascosa Gómez, María García Prieto, Miguel Lorca Melton, Tomás Llamas González, Esther Martínez Bravo, Cristina Zabalo Corvi & Vicente González Díaz - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca (ed.), Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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    Creating Learning Environments Free of Violence in Special Education Through the Dialogic Model of Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts.Elena Duque, Sara Carbonell, Lena de Botton & Esther Roca-Campos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Violence suffered by children is a violation of human rights and a global health problem. Children with disabilities are especially vulnerable to violence in the school environment, which has a negative impact on their well-being and health. Students with disabilities educated in special schools have, in addition, more reduced experiences of interaction that may reduce both their opportunities for learning and for building protective social networks of support. This study analyses the transference of evidence-based actions to prevent violence in schools (...)
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    How Many Interpreters Does It Take to Interpret the Testimony of an Expert Witness? A Case Study of Interpreter-Mediated Expert Witness Examination.Jieun Lee - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (1):189-208.
    Through the analysis of the discourse of an interpreter-mediated expert witness examination in a Korean criminal courtroom, this paper examines challenges in obtaining evidence from an expert witness through unskilled interpreters and the related complexity of participation status during the multiparty interactions, namely the courtroom examination. This paper, drawing on the participation framework theories, demonstrates how all participants are engaged in negotiation and interpretation of the meaning of the expert testimony. The two unskilled interpreters, who are primarily responsible for interpreting, (...)
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    Clinical empathy in a medium and high-risk Brazilian unit.Cristina Ortiz Sobrinho Valete, Aline Albuquerque & Esther Angelica Luiz Ferreira - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (1):212-221.
    Background Clinical empathy is an essential part of healthcare, and patient-centered care models require clinical empathy to be established. Despite this, little is known about its measurement in the neonatal scenario. Research Aim To measure clinical empathy in health professionals who work with medium and high-risk neonates and build a construct of this empathy. Research Design Single-center survey study. Participants and Research Context The Jefferson Scale of Empathy for Health Professionals questionnaire was applied to health professionals who work in an (...)
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    Listening effort during speech perception enhances auditory and lexical processing for non-native listeners and accents.Jieun Song & Paul Iverson - 2018 - Cognition 179 (C):163-170.
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    Increasing reproducibility and interpretability of microbiota-gut-brain studies on human neurocognition and intermediary microbial metabolites.Esther Aarts & Sahar El Aidy - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    In this commentary, we point to guidelines for performing human neuroimaging studies and their reporting in microbiota-gut-brain articles. Moreover, we provide a view on interpretational issues in MGB studies, with a specific focus on gut microbiota–derived metabolites. Thus, extending the target article, we provide recommendations to the field to increase reproducibility and relevance of this type of MGB study.
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  37. A Solid Hatred Addressed to Being.Esther Faye - 2009 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 15:3.
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    Reimagining Parenting Possibilities: Towards Intimate Justice.Esther Ignagni & Ann Fudge Schormans - 2016 - Studies in Social Justice 10 (2):238-260.
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    Left-to-Right Asymmetry and Early Association in Korean.Jieun Kiaer - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (2):363-378.
    This paper shows Korean speakers’ strong preference for incremental structure building based on the following core phenomena: left–right asymmetry; pre-verbal structure building and a strong preference for early association. This paper argues that these phenomena reflect the procedural aspects of linguistic competence, which are difficult to explain within non-procedural grammar formalisms. Based on these observations, I argue for the necessity of a grammar formalism that adopts left-to-right incrementality as a core property of the syntactic architecture. In particular, I aim to (...)
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    David John Frank & John W. Meyer, The University and the Global Knowledge Society.Jieun Song - 2021 - Minerva 59 (3):419-422.
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  41. Diferencias de género en la depresión de adolescentes y jóvenes.Esther Calvete Zumalde - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (974):55-59.
    La adolescencia es un periodo crítico de la vida para el desarrollo de depresión. Durante este periodo la prevalencia de adolescentes que sufren trastornos depresivos aumenta considerablemente, debido a múltiples factores biológicos, sociales y psicológicos. Además entre los 14 y 18 años emergen importantes diferencias de género en depresión, de forma que al final de este periodo las tasas de depresión en las chicas llegan a doblar las observadas en los chicos (Hankin et al., 1998). Estas diferencias tenderán a mantenerse (...)
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    From bias to sound intuiting: Boosting correct intuitive reasoning.Esther Boissin, Serge Caparos, Matthieu Raoelison & Wim De Neys - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104645.
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    Identity-relative paternalism fails to achieve its apparent goal.Esther Braun - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):413-414.
    In a recent article, Wilkinson puts forward the notion of identity-relative paternalism. According to Wilkinson’s final formulation of this principle, ‘[i]ndividuals should be prevented from doing to future selves (where there are weakened prudential unity relations between the current and future self) what it would be justified to prevent them from doing to others’.1 In medical ethics, it is usually assumed that hard paternalism, that is, acting against a competent person’s wishes for their own benefit, is not justified. According to (...)
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  44. The dynamics of embodiment: A field theory of infant perseverative reaching.Esther Thelen, Gregor Schöner, Christian Scheier & Linda B. Smith - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):1-34.
    The overall goal of this target article is to demonstrate a mechanism for an embodied cognition. The particular vehicle is a much-studied, but still widely debated phenomenon seen in 7–12 month-old-infants. In Piaget's classic “A-not-B error,” infants who have successfully uncovered a toy at location “A” continue to reach to that location even after they watch the toy hidden in a nearby location “B.” Here, we question the traditional explanations of the error as an indicator of infants' concepts of objects (...)
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    Mitochondrial replacement techniques for treating infertility.Esther Braun - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRTs) usually aim to prevent the genetic transmission of maternally inherited mitochondrial diseases. Until now, only the UK and Australia have implemented specific legal regulations of MRTs. In both countries, clinical trials on these techniques are only permissible for cases with a high risk of severe mitochondrial disease in the offspring. However, these techniques can also be applied to treat infertility, especially for older women with impaired oocyte quality. In some countries without legal regulation of these techniques, (...)
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    Disentangling Spatial Metaphors for Time Using Non-spatial Responses and Auditory Stimuli.Esther J. Walker, Benjamin K. Bergen & Rafael Núñez - 2014 - Metaphor and Symbol 29 (4):316-327.
    While we often talk about time using spatial terms, experimental investigation of space-time associations has focused primarily on the space in front of the participant. This has had two consequences: the disregard of the space behind the participant and the creation of potential task demands produced by spatialized manual button-presses. We introduce and test a new paradigm that uses auditory stimuli and vocal responses to address these issues. Participants made temporal judgments about deictic or sequential relationships presented auditorily along a (...)
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    Social Motives, Emotional Feelings, and Smiling.Esther Jakobs, Antony S. R. Manstead & Agneta H. Fischer - 1999 - Cognition and Emotion 13 (4):321-345.
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    Time-scale dynamics and the development of an embodied cognition.Esther Thelen - 1995 - In Tim van Gelder & Robert Port (eds.), Mind As Motion: Explorations in the Dynamics of Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 69--100.
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    Sin Nam-ch'ŏl munjang sŏnjip.Nam-ch'ŏl Sin - 2013 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Sŏnggyun'gwan Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu. Edited by Chong-hyŏn Chŏng.
    I. Singminji sigi p'yŏn -- II. Chŏnhwan'gi ŭi iron oe.
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    Shared and Unique Risk Factors Underlying Mathematical Disability and Reading and Spelling Disability.Esther M. Slot, Sietske van Viersen, Elise H. de Bree & Evelyn H. Kroesbergen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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